Teleflora's One Fine Day



Give someone a truly fine day – send them this gorgeous spring bouquet of roses, tulips and a selection of glamorous fresh blossoms in a range of cool hues including pink, lavender, yellow and chartreuse, nestled in a modern glass cube vase. This enchanting bouquet is sweet, petite and can’t be beat!

* A mix of fresh flowers such as pink spray roses and tulips, lavender Matsumoto asters and cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow roses and carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums is delivered in a Teleflora clear glass cube vase.

Dimensions: 8 in × 8 in × 9 in

Upgrade to either our deluxe or premium arrangement options. This means that extra flowers will be added to make the arrangement larger and fuller. You'll be sure to notice the difference!

Grande Flowers ~ 1433 E. Capitol Dr. - Shorewood, WI  53211
414.332.3070 ~


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