Teleflora's Forever Fall


Go for the golden with sunny orange and yellow flowers in a bright orange Serendipity vase! You won't find a more cheerfully charming party gift. Beautifully affordable, too.

  • The exciting bouquet includes orange roses, orange gerberas, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, orange cushion spray chrysanthemums and rust button spray chrysanthemums accented with fresh greenery.
  • Delivered in a sparkling orange Serendipity vase
Dimensions: 15.5 in × 15.5 in × 16 in

Upgrade to either our deluxe or premium arrangement options. This means that extra flowers will be added to make the arrangement larger and fuller. You'll be sure to notice the difference!


Grande Flowers ~ 1433 E. Capitol Dr. - Shorewood, WI  53211
414.332.3070 ~


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