Teleflora's Spring Fling


Guaranteed to elicit oohs and ahhs, this dramatic bouquet in a trendy lavender vase will make any occasion special. Or make your own special occasion – give it to yourself just because.

The elegant bouquet includes blue hydrangea, peach roses, hot pink Matsumoto asters, lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and solidago accented with fresh greenery.

The flowers are delivered in a contemporary lavender Teleflora bunch vase.

Grande Flowers personally delivers premium bouquets to Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee and most surrounding areas.

Dimensions: 16 in × 16 in × 22.5 in

Upgrade to either our deluxe or premium arrangement options. This means that extra flowers will be added to make the arrangement larger and fuller. You'll be sure to notice the difference!

Grande Flowers ~ 1433 E. Capitol Dr. - Shorewood, WI  53211
414.332.3070 ~


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